Thank You FAQ

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    Does this treat cancer?

Apatone Plus is approved as a  supplement in Mexico and is not intended to treat cancer. The recommended does is one pill a day. 

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    Can you ship to the USA?

No at this time we do not ship to the USA. Pick up only in Playas de Tiujana. 

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    How many Apatone Plus pills would equal the dose on the phase 1 FDA Trial?

We do not recommend this. Patients would have to take 5 pills 5 times a day.

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    Gel or hard capsules? 

It is a gelatin capsule.

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    How many capsules per bottle?

750 capsules per bottle. 

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    How many MG per capsule.

500 Mg per capsules.

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    What are the potential side effects of the pill?
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    Are these pills time-released?

No they are not.

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    Is there any kind of reaction if taking it with other medications or supplements?

Please check with your doctor. 

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    How far are you from the border? 

We are located about 10 minutes (7.2 Miles) from the San Ysindro boarder crossing or 45 minutes from San Diego Airport.

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    How can I get there?

It is an easy short drive. CLICK HERE for driving directions. 

You can walk across the border with you passport and take an UBER or Taxi. Just enter this address in Uber.  Or CLICK HERE to print directions in Spanish for a taxi.

We can arrange a ride for you. Please call us at: +1 (619) 738-0460

or +52 644-108-4489 (WhatsApp)

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    Do I need a passport?

Many people cross by car with out one. That said you are supposed to have a passport when coming to Mexico. If you are walking from San Diego you will only be allowed in Mexico with a passport.  If you fly in to Mexico you will need a passport.

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    How do I pay?

We accept debit, credit, Paypal, and wire transfer. We do NOT Accept Cash.

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    How much are Mexican Taxes?

16% of total cost.

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    Why can I only buy 6 bottles maximum? 

Production at this point is very limited. Due to the high demand we want to allow as many people access to as possible.